Besides the 2 title defense bouts, the exciting matchup between Christopher Shaw and Superlek is the one that fans are really looking forward to. As any Muay Thai fan would know, Superlek is a top-seeded fighter in Thailand right now with numerous accolades. Here is what his opponent Christopher Shaw has to say about the upcoming fight at YOKKAO 27: YOKKAO: How is your training going for YOKKAO 27? How have you been preparing yourself for the upcoming fight? Chris: My training has been going great. I have been doing all my training at BoxFit Glasgow as normal, the POS gym under my coach Gary O'Brien. Gary knows me very well and what we need to tweak in my game to get a massive win over my opponent. I always train hard and this isn't any different. Y: Superlek is a top fighter right now on the Thailand circuit. What went through your mind when you were made known of the fight against him? What do you think of your opponent? C: I wanted this fight and I'm very happy that YOKKAO and Brian (UK promoter) gave me this opportunity. Superlek is one of the best p4p Thais there is. I've watched all his fights for years so it's amazing to be able to fight him now. I want to prove I'm the best and this fight will do that. Y: What do you think are your chances of winning at this fight at YOKKAO 27? [caption id="attachment_3773" align="alignright" width="450"]
YOKKAO 12: Muay Thai UK Stephen Meleady vs Chris Shaw[/caption] C: I can see people writing me off like the 95% of the people going to the show. I'm not naive or a stupid little boy. I know what Superlek brings to the table but and I will beat him. The difference between us is he does Muay Thai to live, I do Muay thai because I love the sport and love to fight. No one makes me go running or take a fight! I do it because I want to. I'm not owned by a gym or a promoter! I want this more than him and you will all see this on YOKKAO 27. Not one single fighter has put me down for a 8 count in 37 fights and nothing's going to change. I'm going to drown him! Y: You have made a few appearances in YOKKAO events. How do you feel about the promotion on the whole? C: I've fought twice on the shows. Very professional and treated well. They are world class shows. Raising the level every show so it's constantly getting bigger and better. It's great for Muay Thai. Y: This is coming from many of the Thai fighters: they don’t really see foreign fighters as a threat in the ring. Would you like to comment on this? C: It's a new era of Thai boxing. Thai boxing is constantly evolving and now you have guys like Fabio Pinca, Youssef Boughanem and Rafi Bohic beating many of the top Thais in Thailand. Y: In your opinion, who do you feel is the best fighter in the YOKKAO promotions right now? C: Right now Superlek is the best by a country mile. Saenchai and Singdam no longer fight in the stadiums at that level now, amazing fighters with long successful careers, but they are in their tough light years. Superlek is a current superstar and still very young and I took at the lightest weight offered as I don't want any excuses made when I beat him. Y: You have sights set on the top spot in UK. Who do you feel is your biggest competitor? C: I'm the top boy at 61.5kg in the UK and will be for a long while. I don't have any competition at that weight right now. Plan on being the best at many weights. I'll take it as it comes. Y: Anything you want to say to the fans who are going to watch YOKKAO 27 - 28? C: This show is on another level and you're all in for a treat! Thanks to all the people supporting me for this fight! Y: Thank you for taking time for this. Everyone is really looking forward to this fight. Chok dee! C: Thanks very much for the interview. Looking forward to YOKKAO 27 big time. Tickets for YOKKAO 27-28 are almost sold out at