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Article: YOKKAO Fighter Fah becomes Thai Fighter of the Year!

YOKKAO Fighter Fah becomes Thai Fighter of the Year!

YOKKAO Fighter Fah becomes Thai Fighter of the Year!

Fah YOKKAOSaenchaiGym wins the Muay Thai Thailand Female Fighter of the Year this past Saturday May 14th in Mini Buri just outside of Bangkok. Joining her from YOKKAO Training Center Bangkok, fellow fighters Singdam, Petchdam, Joe and none other than her father and renowned trainer Kru Manop. You may know Fah’s father as he has been working with the “Living Legend” Saenchai for many years seeing him through his past 200 plus fights. Fah and her opponent started the first round in the traditional style of testing eachother out but things quickly heated up as the women both went for the attack trying for an early defeat hitting and clinching in the first round Second round lead to a series of strong hits on both sides with Fah scoring some key points that carried on into the third and fourth rounds. With her father Kru Manop in the corner, one of the most experienced Muay Thai trainers globally, guiding, the last round saw her score those last points that lead to her undisputed victory as, Muay Thai 2016 Thailand Female Fighter of the Year -45kg. CONGRATS go to Fah, embodying the spirit of a YOKKAO Next Generation Fighter, time will see much more from her in the future.

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